About me

Painting for me is a port of happinessin which I would like to be forever and in silent joy to watch the brush dance on the canvas… It is a real process of meditation, the search for happiness and the meaning of life. I draw good energy in it and immortalize it. I believe in the magical meaning given to art by our ancestors, the power of symbols and colors. I try to hear, see and convey the Music and Harmony of Nature using the rhythm of colors and shapes. I would like to give it all to my viewer…
Natalija Kumpaitienė, Kriščiūnienė

In short…

I was born in 1960. In Vilnius.
1975-1979 I studied at the four-year children's art school in Vilnius.
1985 I graduated from the Lithuanian State Art Institute.

I am interested in the wisdom of ancient East - the theory of feng shui. Therefore, it often appears in my works motifs of fire, wood, water and earth. I also admire the pagan suns. I find a place for them in interiors, creating happiness and success.

Media about Natalia

Indigo, 2009 m. kovas. „Spalvų muzika”, autorė Jūratė Ablačinskaitė.  read >>
A sorcerer, 2009 m. rugpjūtis. „Kelionė Rytų išminties link”, autorė Eglė Kulvietienė.  read >>



2001 Personal painting exhibition, Mary and George Šlapeliai Museum, Vilnius;
2001 Personal painting exhibition, Vilnius Santara Secondary School;
2008 Personal painting exhibition, A. Mickevičius Public Library, Vilnius;
2008 Personal painting exhibition, Lithuanian National M.Mažvydas Library, Vilnius;
2008 Personal exhibition at Menų kampo gallery, Vilnius;
2009 Personal exhibition, Šiauliai County Povilas Višinskis Public Library.
2011 Personal exhibition at Vilnius Žirmūnai Gymnasium,
2011 Personal Painting Exhibition in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,
2011 m. Personalinė tapybos paroda, ,,Guru” kavinė, Vilnius
2012 Personal painting exhibition at the Ministry of Fluxus, Kaunas,
2012 Personal painting exhibition, A. Mickevičius Public Library, Vilnius,
2012 Personal painting exhibition in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
2013 Personal painting exhibition, business center, Vilnius,
2015 Personal Painting Exhibition at the Lithuanian State Audit Office.

Group selections:
2005 We are “LDS Painters Group Exhibition for the 4th Lithuanian Women's Congress, Lithuanian National Drama Theater, Vilnius;
2006 m. Grupinė atrankinė paroda, „Šventosios žemės praeities ženklai“, Palangos biblioteka;
2007 m. Grupinės atrankinės parodos, „Šventosio atminties ženklai”;
2008 m. „Šventosios praeities ženklai”, Palanga, Klaipėda, Kretinga, Radviliškis, Šiauliai, Kaunas, Alytus;
2009 m. „Šventosios atminties ženklai”, Palangos biblioteka;
2012 m. „Menininkas ir miestas”, „Arkos” galerija, Vilnius;
2012 m. Moterų tapytojų paroda, „Moterų džiaugsmai”, Vilniaus Rotušė.

1997 Group painting exhibition of art teachers Vilnius Department of Education;
2004 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists "Plekšnė" club members, Vilnius Officers' Chamber;
2005 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists "Plekšnė" club members, "Medals" gallery, Vilnius;
2006 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists "Plekšnės" club "Spring spawning", st. John Gallery, Vilnius;
2006 Plein Air of Lithuanian Art Teachers and Palanga Artists “Signs of the Holy Past”, Šventoji;
2006 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists "Plekšnė" club members, Vilnius Officers' Chamber;
2007 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists' Plekšnė club members, St. John's Gallery, Vilnius;
2007 International Plein Air "New Old Glogow", Glogow, Poland;
2007 Plein-seminar “Signs of the Holy Memory”, Šventoji;
2007 International group painting exhibition “New Old Glogow”, Glogow, Poland;
2007 Plein Air and Exhibition of Vilnius Artists' Plekšnės Club Artists, Nida;
2008 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists "Plekšnė" club members, Vilnius Officers' Chamber;
2008 Group exhibition of Vilnius artists' Plekšnė club members, Utena;
2009 m. Vilniaus menininkų „Plekšnės” klubo grupinė paroda, Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovė;
2010 International plein airs and exhibitions in Poland: Pechiukovo, Harshe, Wolshtyne, Podamsk, Okarta, Slava, Glogow.
2010 m. Grupinė Vilniaus menininkų ‘Plekšnės” klubo narių paroda Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovėje;
2011 International Plein Air and Exhibition in Harshe, Poland;
2011 m. Grupinė Vilniaus menininkų „Plekšnės” klubo narių paroda Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovėje;
2011 m. „Plekšnės” meninkų pleneras ir paroda Nidoje;
2012 m. Grupinė Vilniaus menininkų ,,Plekšnės” klubo narių paroda Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovėje;
2013 m. Grupinė Vilniaus menininkų ,,Plekšnės” klubo narių paroda Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovėje;
2014 Group exhibition of art teachers at Vilnius Žirmūnai gymnasium;
2014 Group exhibition of Vilnius art teachers ,, Accent-2 Vilniaus, Vilnius Teachers' House;
2014 m. Grupinė Vilniaus menininkų ,,Plekšnės” klubo narių paroda Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovėje;
2015 Group exhibition of Vilnius art teachers ,, Accent-3 ″ in Vilnius Teachers' House;
2015 Group exhibition of plein air participants in Vilnius Kairenai Botanical Garden;
2015 m. Grupinė Vilniaus menininkų ,,Plekšnės” klubo narių paroda Vilniaus Karininkų Ramovėje.

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